Functionalism is given by Emile Durkheim. It focuses the society on a large scale. Functionalism states that the society holds different parts but related to each other. It states that society is moving towards equilibrium. Functionalists believe that without having similar opinions and values, it is difficult to obtain social order and it is important for the welfare of the society.
It is very eloquent because it looks at every aspect of the society.
The answer is D.They were more concerned with promoting their economic interest.
Large Standing Armies and Treaties.
Countries built large standing armies and signed protective treaties with each other because they feared each other's armies. This turned Europe into a powder keg and all that was needed was a spark to set it off. This occurred when a Serbian nationalist assassinated the archduke of Austria-Hungary. When Austria declared war on Serbia, Serbia's allies came to its rescue. Then Austria's allies came to support Austria. Overall, this led to almost every country in Europe joining the war. Not to mention, the large standing armies meant that the loss of life was miles higher than any other previous war.
Killed off millions of people, lowered the economy a ton, and made the peasant class bigger..
(B) Led to the "one-person, one-vote" judicial doctrine - Prohibited oddly-shaped majority-minority districts
Baker v. Carr (1961) is a Supreme Court case concerning equality in voting districts. Decided in 1962, the ruling established the standard of "one person, one vote" and opened the door for the Court to rule on districting cases.
Shaw v. Reno (1993) In 1991, a group of white voters in North Carolina challenged the state's new congressional district map, which had two “majority-minority” districts. The group claimed that the districts were racial gerrymanders that violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In its 1993 decision, the Supreme Court agreed, ruling that race cannot be the predominant factor in creating districts.