l think the suitable answer can be no.A. and no.D.
Epinephrine binds to receptors on some smooth muscles (ex: around arterioles) → Ca++ released from ER → intracellular Ca++ up → stimulates contraction. c. Epinephrine binds to receptors on some smooth muscles (ex: around bronchioles) → phosphorylates protein needed for response to Ca++, preventing response.
If a person is "sterile", this means that they cannot reproduce. The word "sterilized" is essentially stating that there is no productive activity in order to be able to reproduce.
El medio ambiente es el entorno que afecta a los seres vivos y que condiciona sus circunstancias vitales. Las condiciones (físicas, económicas, culturales, etc.) de un lugar, un grupo o una época. ... Conjunto de características típicas de un determinado marco histórico o social: ej ambiente medieval.
A compound is always a substance because it's made out of two or more atoms bonded together. Now a substance isn't always a compound because it takes two or more elements to create a compound in a chemical reaction, ans substances can contain only one element. In other words a substance can be constructed of one type of atom. Some substances that aren't compounds are: gold and baking soda.