by stealing and looting the goods and briniging them back to their countries like the filth they were
Hitler was popular among his people because not only were they looking for a scapegoat to blame for their problems, but because in their eyes he was fixing Germany’s problems and making her into a powerful nation once more. Schools should cover the Holocaust so that the children of today can learn from the mistakes of yesteryears, and prevent such from happening again in our times. We can prevent such from happening again from teaching children the mistakes that lead to the genocide of ~6 million people, like the acceptance of violence and discrimination, the political manipulation of anger, scapegoating, and the unchecked thrive if the extreme far-right. Some people could deny the Holocaust because they can’t comprehend the scale, that six million people could be slaughtered in just a few years, or that they outright refuse to accept the facts for what they are. Yes, I believe that the Nazi soldiers were rightly arrested and charged for their war crimes, even though they were “only following their orders”. They could have easily refused such roles or refuse to follow their orders, but they chose to save themselves from their own death by allowing the deaths of six million people. People such as Oskar Schindler and Major Karl Plagge show that they did not have to blindly follow their orders, that they could use their morals and conscience to see what they were doing was horrible and inhuman.
There is problems in English government
"Loyal dialects" would be the only plausible option, since the Philippines are comprised of thousands of islands each with a unique past. "Tagalong" is the primary language.
After America was established, were similar to multiple eras with migration. Firstly, there was a language barrier. Many immigrants during that time had no knowledge of speaking English. If the immigrant had no body to rely on, like friends or family, they would be said to handicapped. Of course, many Americans highly disliked immigrants. The Americans didn't like immigrants because they felt like they took their jobs away from them, and did not respect their American traditions.