The obstacles faced were- After the Hundred Year's War, France was depopulated, commercially ruined, and agriculturally weak and feudal disorder prevailed.
Charles VII strengthened the monarchy by creating a royal army and this gained security throughout France. He also reconstructed the Burgundian and Armagnac.
His successors also promoted new industries which gave them more money and expanded the royal authority by gaining territories like- Anjou, Bar, Maine and Provence.
Higher wages
Explanation: This question is attempting to explain the reasons for migration. Push and pull factors play a role in the decision of human beings to leave one place or country and migrate elsewhere.
1. This meant that the commitment to the republic was the most important thing in their lives, moreover it meant that they would direct all the devotion they had to make the republic work and the country would become big, even in the middle of it. difficulties.
2. They promised to always work for the republic and to supervise each other so that no one would deviate from that promise.
3. They could face the failure of the republic and the continental army. What would bring internal disagreements between them, in addition to causing the population to regain independence from the USA and the struggle they started.
"We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor ..." is the phrase that ends the declaration of independence of the thirteen American colonies. With that phrase, fifty-six representatives of the American people made a commitment to lead the colonies to independence, republicanism and to make it prosper. Such a great promise needed to be made, to encourage people's faith, and even faith among themselves. This was because there was no guarantee that the continental army would be victorious in a battle that sought independence, in fact, the chances of failure were very great.