Stop the treatment immediately, if the medication given needs antagonist to counteract it's effects, then it should be given. reassess the diagnosis and exclude all the differential diagnosis. conduct investigations relevant to the histories including serological test, chest CT and MRi. inform the patient the situation (if he is awake) and make sure the next treatment is the best after arriving to the correct diagnosis.
A phospholipid has a charged head and an uncharged tail.
Answer: it is involuntary, the process is called digestion.
Answer: The answer is natural selection
Natural selection explains how certain desirable traits like;
- shape of the beaks of Darwin's finches: to help them feed more easily
- industrial melanism to raise a population of dark-coloured organisms to evolve from pre-existing light coloured ones in industrial areas where the surrondings are blackened with soot;
are favored over LESS DESIRABLE TRAITS, resulting in organisms that are most suited/adapted to thrive in an environment, which is evolutionary change