Lenin was sent back to Russia from exile by the Germans in WW1 to destabilize russia which worked. His slogan was land, peace and bread. He formed a party called the bolsheviks, who later executed the royal family. Lenin kept the populace believing that he was helping them by improving the economy.
i would go with economic basis of westernization hope this helps! <( ^ u ^ <)
Hinduism turned the polytheistic views of the Aryans into one supreme god with multiple forms.
The start of WWII. WWI was a very big cause of WWII. WWI led to depressions in Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, and many more places which in turn caused powerful people to rise in many different countries. These countries in which a person of power rose each had some part in the start of WWII.
Effects on farmers
•Provide for more people
•planted more crops
Effects on laborers
•More inventions = more factories
•more factories = more jobs
•more jobs = more immigrants
•more immigrants = more workers
Effects on Women
•factories meant less need for homemade goods
•made women closer to family
•less children
•single women could work in factories