Here are some ideas to write in your essay:
Social media is addicting because you can crave validation from others with likes and comments. It could also be addicting because you feel you are not good enough like these other men and women so you look at their body and compare it to yours. You should not be on social media that often if you do not have very high confidence and self love and can be brought down easily by words and pictures. Social media creates more problems sometimes and sometimes its a good platform but being on it to much can fill your brain with toxic thoughts that are no good for you.
The imagery in paragraph 4 appeals primarily to the sense of A) sight. B) smell. C) sound. D) taste. 12) Which phrase from the passage is an example of a SIMILE? A) rasping scream B) sounds of wailing C) as the white herons D) like frozen splashes 13) The main purpose of the passage is to A) describe the food chain in an ecosystem such as the swamp. B) promote the need for conservation in our nation's wetlands. C) vividly illustrate the variety of bird life in the Limberlost region. D) create a vivid portrait of the plants, animals, and insects of the area.
But our political compact, our social contract<span>, is under real strain.</span>
I think the mood is mystic, excitement, and hope.
1. This is an expository article. This can be seen through the author's attempt to provide evidence to readers based on scientific and confirmed analyzes, where he literally exposes the topic in question, explaining it impartially and informing the reader.
2. The central idea is to expose the certainty that some Puritans have that they still exist and are influential in America, being part of American society.
3. To justify this perception of the Puritans, Hudson shows how the Puritans justify that many cultural points and customs present in America today are based on Puritan habits.
4. To explain a specific idea about Puritans believing they are still influential today, Hutson shows that many ideas from influential Puritans like Martin Luther and John Calvin are currently being encouraged, to confirm this, he shows that research has already been done with students from two universities that prove that the concepts of these two men are still taken seriously within society. I do not fully agree with Hutson's view because the research he cites in the article only represents a very small part of the population, which is not enough to represent American society.
please mark me brainliest.