Ideally, the experimental and control groups are identical. As much as possible, the two groups should overlap in every characteristic.
At the beginning of your study, you need your two groups to be as statistically similar as is humanly possible. That way, when you control for other variables, you can reasonably attribute any statistically significant differences at the end of the study to your intervention.
For a contraction to occur there must first be a stimulation of the muscle in the form of an impulse (action potential) from a motor neuron (nerve that connects to muscle). Note that one motor neuron does not stimulate the entire muscle but only a number of muscle fibres within a muscle.
The entire paragraph is about how advertisements consume us. And that is a pretty big impact. It says nothing about the quality, or the judgement we face that comes with advertisements.
the body is upright, directly facing the observer, feet flat and directed forward. The upper limbs are at the body's sides with the palms facing forward ( the picture is blurry i cant choose an option )