Those words which have the same meaning are called synonyms.
Words having same pronunciation are called homophones.
Words having opposite meanings are called antonyms.
Words having same spellings and pronunciation are called homonyms.
Since, Enable and allow means the same, they are synonyms.
Hilda 'H.D.' Doolittle, Ezra Pound, and Richard Aldington were the pioneers of modernist poetry, writing in rejection of the formalism of Victorian poetry and European society. World War I had a profound effect on the further development of the modernist movement. The poetry that followed World War I reflected the disillusionment of those who had experienced the tragedy and horror of modern combat. T.S. Eliot's 'The Wasteland' is an example of the disjointed and fragmented verse arising from this disillusionment.
whether Hamlet and Laertes actually duel or not
The "moment of final suspense" in Hamlet was the scene where the audience didn't know whether Hamlet and Laertes would actually duel or not.
This is because Hamlet does not think his uncle Claudius would be able to plot another plan against him through the duel that would eventually end up costing him his life. As a result of this, Hamlet duels with Laertes and ends up being killed.
Freedom of speech and expression, therefore, may not be recognized as being absolute, and common limitations or boundaries to freedom of speech relate to libel, slander, obscenity, po___phy, sedition, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, food labeling, etc.