Their possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness.
The body are digested by bacteria and thus recombines with soil and increase fertility of the soil !
Bacteria and protists are unicellular organisms. The difference lies in the type of cells they have. Bacteria are placed in the kingdom Monera and have a prokaryotic cell, whereas protists are placed in the kingdom Protista and have a eukaryotic cell.
A double-helical DNA molecule consists of two DNA strands. A DNA strand has free 5' phosphate at one end and a free hydroxyl group (OH) at its 3' end. A DNA double helix is said to be antiparallel since each end of the double helix has an exposed 5' phosphate on one strand and a free 3' hydroxyl group (OH) on the other. This means that the two DNA strands run in opposite directions. A phosphate group is always esterified to the 5' carbon of the pentose sugar; never at its 3' end.