Rivers usually empty into oceans. Any pollution deposited or pick-up by the river, will eventually end up in the ocean.
B, They are both made of protons, neurons, and electrons
Nitrogen and oxygen are both gases at normal warmth and pressure. They are more both elements. They both dissolve at a really cold temperature.
They're the principal components of Earth's atmosphere.
They're both diatomic gases.
They're both nonmetals.
They're both light elements.
Both of them are involved in the CNO cycle.
Solution : Combustion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a chemical change. Because it is an irreversible reaction and new products, carbon dioxide and water vapour are formed and lot of heat is also produced during the reaction.
Ice should be applied within the first 5-10 minutes after getting the injury and leave the ice for
20-30 minutes. This can be repeated every 2-3 hours or so for the next 24-48 hours.
If you consider the first 48 hours, and this timings, the frequency should be between 16 to 24 times. If you consider 24 hours, it should be between 8 and 12 times.