All living things contain carbon in some form. Carbon is the primary component of macromolecules, including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Carbon's molecular structure allows it to bond in many different ways and with many different elements.
anaerobic respiration as per my opinion .
hope this will be helpful to you.
Es donde pones la cabeza cuando duermes. (Almohada)
"Is where you put your head when you sleep (Pillow)"
Es el que hacer doméstico que haces después de comer
(Lavar los trastes; platos, cubiertos, vasos, etc)
"Is the domestic chore you do after eating
(Cleaning everything; dishes, utensiles, glasses, etc)"
Algunos de ellos son las cómodas y los sillones (Muebles)
Some of them are comfortable and couches (Furniture)
Son las personas que viven en tu barrio. (Vecinos)
"They are the people that lives in your neighborhood (neighbors)"