With low credit, it's harder to obtain a healthy life style. Financially, for example, you wouldn't be able to receive loans from banks due to your credit being so low from previous transactions in the past, which eventually can put you at risk of getting any more loans.
D). Ate a varied diet of plants and meat.
Pre-historic hunter-gatherers 'ate a varied diet of plants and meat' as they were dependent on plenty of sources for obtaining their food. They obtained their food by pursuing various activities like 'hunting, gathering/collecting wild herbs and edibles, scavenging, fishing, etc.' Their sole dependence on the abundance of nature made them eat various sources of food until the advent of agriculture 12k years ago. Thus, <u>option D</u> is the correct answer.
Here's a fact about Christianity:
Fact: Christians believe that the afterlife includes an eternal heaven or hell depending on whether the individual has faith in God, in Christ's resurrection, and how they lived their life and worshipped God.
Hope it helps and have a wonderful day!
If affected Indian life because it decided where they were allowed to go, what they could eat and wear, and what their jobs are.
The efforts of the Revolutionary War left our country surviving as individual states holding the most power and bitter rivals for land,economics and such. It also left us with no way to back the continentals (what the money was called) with any substance. In other words continentals were basically not worth much. We also did not have a navy to protect our trade with the West Indies or other British ports and since we owed Spain and could not pay it Spain closed off our waterway - the Mississippi River.
This being done we attempted to come up with a federal government who's power was extremely limited. The federalist regrouped, sat down and created our Constitution- getting rid of the bad parts of the Articles and creating a stronger government. One which has become a leader for other countries.
Hope this helps. Sorry for it being so long- but I'm a substitute teacher which specializes in social studies from 6th to 12th grade.