Highest risk body fluid would be blood because it has high nutritional value and pathogen is multiplying on there. Most pathogen will be transmitted by blood.
Droplet from cough also highly contagious since it easily contacts with any part of the body. Inhalation also makes the infection easier since it contacts mucosa.
Vaginal secretion and seminal fluid can transmit many virus but it depends on how many virus in the blood.
Saliva is composed by water and enzyme so it's low risk on virus spread. But it's on the mouth(which wasn't sterile) so it can be contaminated by various things.
In normal condition urine and spinal fluid is sterile, but in a case of infection, it can be contaminated.
Sweat is mostly water and salt so it's safe.
Jim can Walk for 30 mins in first day and increase five minute everyday. Same as in exercise he can do 10 mins exercise then 15 and soo on. He must visit a dietition.
Explanation: I'm dietition I can help you to loose weight . You have to eat protein.
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema. :)
The right answer is 1.).
Natural sugar is better for you in every respect than white sugar.
All natural sweeteners are less caloric or acaloric for some. They promote weight loss and limit obesity. To know that the most caloric natural sugars also bring the most trace elements and antioxidants, good for health.
The glycemic indices are lower, ranging from 0 for stevia or erythritol, maltitol to 30, up to 70 for complete sugar. These diabetic sugars limit the level of sugar in the blood.