A Cuban rebellion in search of Independence that was strongly supported by the media and the public as well as other events that caused the Spanish-American War:
1. de Lome Letter - de Lome was a Spanish ambassador in US. Sent letter back to Spain saying McKinley was weak and wouldn't fight. It was intercepted by and published in the New York Journal.
2. Battleship Maine - the sinking of the U.S. battleship Maine in Havana harbor, with a loss of 260 men. Although Spanish complicity was not proved, U.S. public opinion was aroused by yellow journalism and people began demanding to go to war to get revenge.
Much of past civilizations have endured many failures and triumphs throughout their existence. In the third century, there were many civilizations that started to flourish. One of these civilizations that started to expand was the Byzantine civilization. The Byzantine civilization, also regarded as Byzantium, was part of the Roman Empire which was divided in 395 AD. Byzantium had shared the same attitude, as the Roman Empire, toward exercising its authority over its citizens and throughout its empire. The Islamic civilization had started thrive in the fifth century. The Islamic civilization was unified together as unison by Islam and it has expanded its civilization throughout parts of Europe through jihad. Because of their expansions …show more content…
Not only do both these civilizations share the same political system, but as well as the social structure, which is important for indicating the social organization in a civilization. The Byzantine Empire consisted with a society that included the upper class, middle class, and lower class. The upper class consisted of officials, members of government, and citizens who were wealthy. The middle class included merchants, and traders. The lower class consisted of slaves that were enslaved from the expansion of the Byzantine Empire. These slaves had the chance to worship God and be part of the community, but slavery for harsh punishment continued. The Islamic civilization had a similar social structure as the Byzantine Empire. The upper class was known as the Abbasids, they were known as judges, merchants, and government officials, and its citizens. The citizens lived in different conditions unlike Abbasids. Abbasids were privileged to be living courtyards and in temples. Slaves were common in Islamic culture, were given the right to believe in Allah and work as soldiers for the Islamic military. These classes indicate the similar features of society of both civilizations. In addition to political and social structure, both civilizations share the same economy. Byzantine and Islamic civilization use similar approaches to promote their economy. They have engaged in trading with other civilizations. Byzantine was a large exporter of grain and silk. Their
If a product is bulky or heavy, transportation costs increase, and unless the product has an extremely high value-to-weight ratio, the LEAST effective strategy would be a. exporting.
If the cost of transporting the product to another country is too high because of its weight, exporting it may not be a good idea since the product would become less profitable and thus the manufacturer could not compensate for its cost of production, making the company lose money.
The answer is differential association.
Differential association is a theory which explains that criminal behaviour is learned through social interaction. For example, a person might learn about strategies for shoplifting, or might observe someone spraying a graffiti and imitate it.
This explanation for deviant behaviour does not take <u>personality traits</u> or <u>biological predispositions </u>into account.