people report feeling like they have become closer to their ideal self
Hello. Unfortunately you did not submit the study the question refers to. However, it is possible to consider that the answer presented above is the correct answer, because Rogerian psychotherapy is a type of therapy centered on the individual, with the objective of making the individual recognize and understand their ideal self, which can promote many improvements in the the individual's life. This type of therapy was developed by Carl Roger in 1940.
1) language and culture: both Italy and Germany were unified along culural and linguistic lines
2) Defeat of Napoleon: before the Unification, both were under Napoleon's France and this period of time under his control has strengthened feelings of nationalism,
3) strong leaders led both Unifications: Bismark and Garibaldi
<span>Similar fossils were found on different continents. </span>
both advantageous and disadvantageous
Observation is a simple method in carrying out research in which researchers watch what, how and why people do or react. Naturalistic observation is a research method normally psychologists and social scientists use by observing the target audience, especially the natural or spontaneous behavior of participants in natural surroundings. In this method, the researchers just record what they observe.
In this method, the participants may behave naturally, telling their woes and problems so that researchers get the actual and authentic data. Participants may behave differently or indifferently once they are conscious that they are being interviewed or judged. It is highly likely that different sets of researchers may get different results due to their emotional approach to the same problem.
State court and Superior court judges