Following python statement will give the assignment to testResult as specified:
if((geneticMarkerA == 1) or (geneticMarkerB ==1)):
testResult = 1
if((geneticMarkerA ==1) and (geneticMarkerB == 1)):
testResult = 0
if((geneticMarkerA == 0) and (geneticMarkerB == 0)):
testResult = 0
In above statements or and and operator are used to check the conditions of set of values present in variable geneticMarkerA and geneticMarkerB.
Based on if the condition evaluate to true or false respective values to testResult varaible is assigned.
Following is sample run for above statements:
geneticMarkerA = 1
geneticMarkerB = 0
if((geneticMarkerA == 1) or (geneticMarkerB ==1)):
testResult = 1
if((geneticMarkerA ==1) and (geneticMarkerB == 1)):
testResult = 0
if((geneticMarkerA == 0) and (geneticMarkerB == 0)):
testResult = 0
in Google type play Store and you will get the app and then click on that word install and it will get installed
hope this helps
Northbridge and Southbridge components.
The answer is "Option a".
Privacy is a set of rules, which limiting access to the data, and integrity ensures impartiality, accuracy, and reliability is assured to ensure, which authorized persons can have secure access to the data.
The system needs no access for everyone to achieve its secrecy and integrity contained in a completely safe data system, that's why the given statement is "true".
The correct answer is a. (view tab | zoom group).