What are the exemptions to the requirement criminal defendants in witnesses can be in the same room with a witness testify
The 1st Amendment
This is the CORE of the first amendment, and is influenced in many movements of the United States; BLM, LGBTQ, etc.
Answer and Explanation:
Jusnaturalist School: According to this school, a law must, above all, directly address the promotion of justice in any type of situation, respecting the maximum natural right of the individual, which is an inalienable right that must be respected at any cost. . Based on this school, the situation shown in the question above is inadmissible, as it does not promote justice, it prevents innocent people from traveling via respecting their religion and still hurts their natural right.
Teleological School: This school has a strong political character and states that a law that achieves a social balance and promotes and is the service of protection and promotion of policies that protect society, it is valid. In relation to the case shown in the question above, this school can claim that the law is correct, since there have already been many cases of terrorism caused by Muslims, making their ban on boarding a promotion of social security.
2. When analyzing these two schools of legal thought in relation to the case shown in the question above, I came to the conclusion that the Jusnaturalist school is the one I most agree with. This is because prohibiting Muslim women from boarding an airplane because of terorist cases that they were not part of is a strong example of religious prejudice and intolerance, in addition to hurting the rights of innocent women.
Utterly true.
I once asked my wife to teach me to draw an Erlenmeyer flask. She showed me, and she's a good teacher. Then she said "Draw 50 of these. By the time you've done that, you should see how the lines work." She was wrong. My first flask was no worse nor better than the 50th one and I never did see how the lines worked.
I can do math, but my drawings look like I never graduated from Grade 1.