context-dependent; cognitive memory
Context dependent can be defined as a situation whereby one have a better tendency of recalling what they studied, if they are to write an exam or test in the same learning environment.
It is a form of cognitive memory uses existing knowledge to generate new knowledge.
If you study in the same room in which you take an exam, you will probably do better on the exam than if you had studied somewhere else. This is made possible because context-dependent memory.
The Marshall Plan was a post WWII bailout program initiated by the USA, aimed to economically revive nations and to reduce communist influence within the countries it supported. The USSR refused to be included for differing political views and opted to create a similar program of their own to aid in post war economic recovery. The USSR before it collapsed, included the countries who are not aided today.
James lange theory best illustrates the question 22
The correct answer is C.
Techniques for establishing new behaviors are shaping (successive approximations), chaining, and fading. Shaping is the establishment of a final behavior (one that the person does not possess or that very rarely emits) through the differential reinforcement of behaviors that are increasingly similar or close to it. Generally, shaping refers to differential reinforcement of changes gradual changes in the topography of a behavior, but it can also refer to differential reinforcement of gradual changes in other characteristics of the behavior such as frequency, duration, latency or magnitude, or differential reinforcement of gradual changes in the product of the behavior (for example , number of exercises solved).
Honestly, I feel like it might fade away. For instance, technology is constantly developing. Maybe one day in the future, health professionals will create a better way to workout without using virtual reality. They might invent a new, better technology. We never know, but our world is always changing in all aspects.