A long ramp will be easier because is has a higher mechanical advantage.
Let's see whether we understand all the words in the question: what is constituency?
A constituency is the group of voters - so in the case of the US Senate as a whole, the constituency is the whole of US.
The Constituency of the House of the Representatives is the same: it's the whole population of the US.
So in the case of the US the two bodies are representing the same constituency - the answer is false!
"Though the Japanese occupation of Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, Malaysia, and Indonesia proves Japan's propaganda to be self-serving, Southeast Asia is not prepared to resume the colonialist yoke when the war ends. Between 1945 and 1957, all of Southeast Asia gains its independence."
- https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/11/sse.html
Although unified politically, the United States was hurt by sectionalism, or competition among sections or regions of the country. In the early 1800s three major sections emerged: the industrial Northeast, the agricultural South, and the largely frontier West.