Simple sugars are called monosaccharides, made up of single sugar molecules. Examples of these are glucose, fructose, and galactose. When two simple sugars are joined together by a chemical bond they are called disaccharides, the most common of which is sucrose or table sugar.
Energy is if not the most fundamental unit of everything, along with matter, space and time, thus it is one of the foundations of all science.
Energy in science is like words in a book, you could not read the book without words, similarly, there would be no way to do science without energy. Take this example You can only measure the *speed* of an object if it has energy.
We could look at biolgy and see how photosynthesis makes use of energy. In photosynthesis we see plant cells converting energy from the sun into usful sugars to help the plant grow.
Now we could look at astronomy and see how energy is used, If you observe stars you can see the different brightnesses and masses, which tells you alot about what type of energy conversion is happening inside the star (nuclear fusion).
Actually, the ELECTRON: Negatively charged particles in an atom. Electrons, which spin around the protons and neutrons that make up the atom's nucleus, are essential to chemical bonding.
Memories aren't just stored in one part of our brains. Different parts are stored in different brain regions, but the hippocampus is memories are formed and later accessed.
Learning can be improved by paying attention when learning something new so that you can take in the knowledge.
Explicit memories are conscious and can be verbally explained, however, implicit memories are usually nonconscious and are not verbally articulated.
Explanation: I'm sorry but I don't know the answer to your last question, so I hope you figure out the answer to that one...........also hope this at least helps you out somewhat:)