The population is not distributed uniformly throughout Canada's territory. The vast majority of people who make up the population of Canada live in the southern part of the country, near the American border, leaving the northern areas largely uninhabited.
Explanation: (p.s here is something extra you can add if you want)
Distribution of the population in the world is very uneven because the distribution of population depends upon many physical factors such as relief, climate, availability of water supply, soil, etc. - For example, if you consider the relief factors, mountains and hilly areas are thinly populated.
Book 3
1,2 and 4 are all about specific cultures while 3 is about any culture.
Scout is a very advanced student and for that instead of being rewarded and given additional attention and assignments that would further her development she is instead reprimanded for it. Her teacher Miss Caroline is limiting what students can know and come into contact with. She even wanted her to stop reading with her father so she could do that only at school. Scout feels extremely bored and feels like she is missing a lot she could be learning about the world. She is being cheated out of knowledge which is ironic as school should be one of the places that can give children a lot of information and knowledge.
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Need not show any lights is true for a vessel of less than 20 meters in length at anchor at night in a "special anchorage area designated by the Secretary"
In the INTERNATIONAL— Lights and Shapes under RULE 30 named "Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground" there are several rules listed. For a vessel of fewer than 20 meters in distance, when at staff in a special anchorage zone assigned by the Secretary, shall not be expected to show the anchor lights and shapes needed by this Rule.
Suppose a vessel of fewer than 12 meters in the distance when grounded shall not be wanted to display the lights or shapes. When a vessel of fewer than 7 meters in length, when at staff, not in or near a restricted channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally travel, shall not be wanted to show the lights or shape.
please ask your question clear ly.