Answer: look up dimensional analysis prezi and précis should pop up there usually very helpful
-Cell division
-Glandular epithelium forms the covering of all major glands. It is also present in the intestinal lining.
-Cells are regenerated by division in the basal layer and migrate toward the apical surface to replace cells lost by fragmentation. Cell division is indicated by the mitotic phase cells located in the deepest (basal) layer of the glandular epithelium.
The heart must beat faster during exersise because by increasing the heart rate the body is able to increase cardiac output and deliver the necessary blood flow to the mucles
Corrigiendo el error de Schwann y preparando el principio de Virchow, señaló que las células se multiplican por escisión de su núcleo, no por generatio aequivoca a partir del protoplasma originario. ... Según los historiadores Pagel (1945) y Ackerknecht (1957), parece que Remak precedió a Virchow en sus descubrimientos.
¡espero que esto ayude!