The oldest maps were made by hand of course, and were based on fairly crude measurements of paces, strides and the like and directions only loosely related to NEWS. Clocks helped (as with navigation, latitude could be estimated by seeing what stars were above the horizon (or how high the sun seemed at its zenith), but longitude needed to know when they were seen).
Modern maps have the extraordinary advantage of precise locations of points, and even the benefit of direct overhead observation, and are no longer hand drawn.
The appropriate response is Maintenance Rehearsal. It is a term for the part of redundancy in the maintenance of recollections. It includes rehashing data, again and again, keeping in mind the end goal to get the data prepared and put away in a memory. Upkeep practice is a sort of memory practice that is valuable in keeping up data in here and now memory or working memory. Since this, for the most part, includes rehashing data without contemplating its significance or interfacing it to other data, the data isn't normally exchanged for long-haul memory.
yes it I true that there is a great possibility of hydropower generation in Nepal, the electricity has not been supplied as required because of the following reasons:
1.lack of capital
2.lack of good manpower
3.lack of technology
4.due to corruption
5.lack of construction tools
Alexis de tocqueville referred to the ability of the majority in a democracy to impose its will on everyone else as <u>"the tyranny of the majority".</u>
The idea of the tyranny of the majority was advanced by the nineteenth century political scholars Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America) and John Stuart Mill (On Liberty). It alludes to a circumstance in which the greater part implements its will on a distraught minority through the equitable procedure. That is the thing that various minority bunches in the UK are encountering after Leave won the submission. Unexpectedly, this result has hurt the interests of the minority, as well as that of the dominant part that bolstered Brexit.
Confucianism stresses social structure and the obedience to the one superior to oneself: wife to husband, child to parent, but also subject to ruler. So teaching Confucianism effectively taught the people to obey their leaders, the Han!