If "Outlook" is one of the options then thats the answer.
Wilkes photography style is solely focused on time lapse. His pictures from morning to night show the cycle of a day at a place in one image.
We cannot help you with the second problem , as we do not know what you learned in Unit 10.
Search engines - there was no single way to ask a question
Answer: In 1965, Gordon Moore noticed that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention. Moore's law predicts that this trend will continue into the foreseeable future. ... The 18-month mark is the current definition of Moore's law.
Please read and you will have your answer!
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def get_middle_ten(sentence):
ind = (len(sentence) - 12) // 2
return sentence[ind:ind + 12]
# Testing the function here. ignore/remove the code below if not required