Answer: web server
When you go to a website, your web browser requests a web page from the web server. For this to happen, the IP address for the webpage has to be identified first, tmaftee which the browser will request appropriate data from the web server.
Such request comes in form of data packet and takes place through HTTP and.utnhas all the necessary information that is needed by the web server for the delivery of the webpage data.
Give at least one reason why it's useful to learn how to solve and program solutions with a limited set of commands. So that when there is more commands we know how to use the ones we have. parameters help generalize the solution to a specific problem. how are functions with parameters an example of abstraction?
The most likely galaxy type to be identifiable regardless of orientation is: Irr
The Irr galaxies don't have a discernable or usual shape; that is why it is relatively easy to identify.
When we talk about E type galaxies, this statement proves itself by the way the cumulus of stars compounds the galaxy. The elliptical galaxies have the form of ellipses, with a reasonable distribution of stars. The degree of eccentricity is the number that complements the E letter; that's why E0 galaxies are almost spherical, while E7 is considerably elongated.
SBc, SBa galaxies are spiral; this means it can be flat in some angles difficulting their identification process; in this case, the last letter means the way the arms display their form, with "c" having a vague form and "a" well-defined arms. That's why in some angles can be mistreated as another type of galaxy.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a=-156;//negative integer between -1 and -255.
a*=-1;//multiplying a to -1 so that it can become positive.
cout<<a;//printing a.
return 0;
The above written program is in C++ and in the program an integer a is defined with a negative value in the program it is -156.Then to convert it to positive integer we have to multiply a to -1 after that printing the value of a on the screen.