Information on them is often not backed up with reliable sources.
- Crowd-sourced websites are open for everyone to feed information to. Most of the people who feed this information do not fetch it from sources that are authentic and reliable.
- They either try to put up their personal experiences or the information they heard somewhere, someday.
- Very few who genuinely understand the importance of the correctness of information take efforts to look up for the information through reliable sources to answer the queries and questions.
1. Both was part of the March to Washington in 1963
2. Both help stop segragation
The stock market crashed...
Connecting past and present helps you see how humans have chosen to deal with conflict, which can lead to war, political debate, neighborhood riots, discrimination, etc. But also linking past and present helps us see how humans have solved any problems they have come across. Whether it be an economic issue, something that effects many people, or a personal issue.