In my opinion, sharcropping did not really help free slaves, and was a tiny bit better than slavery.
Former slaves who were sharecroppers had abusive landlords, who charged them into debt. The only way to pay this debt was to work, and seldom did sharecroppers ever get out of debt.
Disabled Children chosen for the Euthanasia program
abor organizer and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez begins hunger strike. ... The strike, which he undertook in opposition to an Arizona law severely restricting farm workers' ability to organize, lasted 24 days and drew national attention to the suffering of itinerant farm workers in the Southwest.
The reason why Southerners were more likely than Northerners to support the Mexican-American War is because an American victory in the war would lead to more territory in the South being gained (territory once belonging to Mexico).
In the Soviet Union, propaganda was used extensively in order to spread the dominant Marxist-Leninist ideology and to promote support for the Communist Party. During the government of Stalin, it became present everywhere, including in the social and natural sciences taught at school.
All published items were not only subject to censorship if they contained undesirable information, but they were also edited to promote particular views. The figure of Stalin was greatly idealized. He was presented as a benevolent, protective father figure and a hero of the Revolution.
Any deviation from ideology could be punished by execution and labor camps, as well as punitive psychiatry and loss of citizenship.