There were many reasons. One being that it was winter and it was harder to gather things and keep spirits up when everyone was running low on food. It was also in bad weather.
The tropical wet and dry climate type is characterized for having two seasons, one is full of rains during summer and the other one is wet during winter. This is a warm weather with an avarage of 25-27 Celcius degrees with a moderate thermal amplitude. Very strong winds can appear because of the temperature of the sea during spring leading to intense rains, ranging from tropical storms to hurricanes. The savanna dominates this climate with gramineae predomination and open spaces for herbivores. The vegetation tends to be xerophilous because it needs to pass the dry season with almost no water.
It was important to write it down in order to have an official agreement they could preserve. They also needed to make a statement towards the British about the separation of the colonies from the British Empire. It was a formal declaration towards the King and that they weren't willing to back down.
<em>C. His original objective in his 1492 voyage was to find a westerly route to the Orient. He never reached the Orient.
"Christopher Columbus" was an Italian explorer and a navigator. His voyage in 1492 was an endeavor to reach the Orient using the shortest path.
Columbus failed to reach the Orient and reached Indies, partly due to some error and partly due to the thought process. This route was shorter than the original route by approximately 7000 miles.
Columbus and his cruise had landed on islands surrounding Asia uncertain of the region where they landed. It is said that they stepped on the Watling Island.