Hi there, I'm not answering this question, sorry.
Your task clearly states you must think of your own example and prove what you know. That's why.
Please, if you're coming onto the <em>Brainly</em> website, at least improve your questions.
<h3>The One Club is an American non-profit organization that recognizes and promotes excellence in advertising. Founded in New York City as The One Club for Art & Copy, The One Club produces four annual award competitions: One Show, One Show Design, One Show Interactive and One Show Entertainment.</h3>
The correct option is C.
Explanation: Price elasticity is the measure of the rate of change in the level of quantity demanded due to a change in the level of price.
Price elasticity is usually negative, this means that it follows the law of demand; as price increases quantity demanded decreases.
Also, another incidence that can affect price elasticity is an availability of cheaper alternatives. If cheaper alternatives of a particular product are introduced into the market, the demand for that product will reduce, because consumers will abandon it for its cheaper alternatives, thereby driving the elasticity of that product higher.
Therefore, in the scenario given above, the elasticity is higher than -1.2 because there are new brands that have just been introduced into the market.
This principle is based on the idea of Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist that stated 80% of the results are concentrated in 20% of the activities executed. In Business, this idea is extrapolated as 80% of results come from 20% of the clients.