Yes, because morally, it’s the right thing to do. Our common humanity means that those of us who are doing well (often doing <em>too</em> well) should help those whose basic needs are not met. And, in part, our personal and national wealth has often been created by the exploitation of poor people – colonial extraction of resources, the slavery and opium trades, unfair international trade and finance practices and others. Reallocating just <em>1% of global wealth</em> would eradicate extreme income poverty at a stroke. Those of us who are ‘better-off’ would be stupid not to help the poor. If we want a prosperous, politically stable and environmentally sustainable world for ourselves (and for future generations), then we have to help poor people in poorer, less fortunate lands.
Hope this helps, honey. Best of luck with assignments like these.
Wealth, power, and prestige--these three elements make up Weber's theory of social class.
In the case above, both have power over others, but their wealth is likely different as the self-made man is a millionaire and lawyers don't typically make that much. The biggest difference would likely be the level of prestige or respect each would get from others. The US values the self-made man over a lawyer.
It Could Happen, Thanks to Climate Change. Human-caused global warming has the potential to transform coastlines, weather patterns, and entire populations. According to a new study published in Scientific Reports, the creep of palm trees into higher latitudes could be another sign that our planet is changing
Answer: Es cuestion de ser mas abierto y no tener miedo a ser como eres
Explanation: Hacer amigos es facil. Muchas personas pueden a veces tener este problema ya que tienen miedo de lo que los demas puedan pensar de su persona, pero en realidad muchas veces es solo producto de la imaginacion de esta.
Si quieres hacer amigos lo primero es sentirte en total comodidas con quien tu eres. Recuerda que eres alguien que tiene valor y que tiene cosas para aportar al igual que los demas. Segundo, habla con personas por los diferentes medios sociales, no tengas miedo de dar una opinion sobre algo que alguien dice ya que esto se puede convertir en el hilo de una conversacion y generar cierto enganche que conlleve a una amistad.
Y por ultimo, diviertete. Hacer amigos es algo que sale de forma natural, fluye con el momento y no te cierres.