If the black hole had the same gravitational effects as the sun then the black hole wouldn’t effect the earth, we wouldn’t have light and everyone would most likely die in 10 minuites
Desert. lots and lots of desert. all desert
Substinence farming is farming food that is just enough to live off of. You don't sell substinence crops.
Commercial farming is growing food to sustain you, and having enough left over to sell.
In both, you grow food and you keep some (or all) for yourself.
Bedrock structure is primarily responsible for landscape differences.
Bedrock lies beneath the surface materials such as soil,
gravel, sand and other sediments. It is a deposit of hard, consolidated,
tightly-bound solid rock. It is the parent material for unconsolidated material
and soil above thus influencing landscapes.
a. La raíz conecta la planta al suelo y transporta las sales minerales que están disueltas en el agua del suelo.
b. El tallo transporta la savia bruta desde la raíz a las hojas.
c. En la hoja la savia bruta se convierte en nutrientes que es el alimento de la planta.