Amber is the fossilized resin from ancient forests. Amber is not produced from tree sap, but rather from plant resin. This aromatic resin can drip from and ooze down trees, as well as fill internal fissures, trapping debris such as seeds, leaves, feathers and insects.
The unit of measurement in an ecological footprint is the global hectare.
using energy released from breaking high-energy covalent bonds in organic molecules to force ATP formation from ADP and phosphate.
The cellular respiration involves the generation of energy for bodily activities. This is technically known as the Kreb's Cycle or citric acid cycle. This is the process through which the intracellular metabolism of glucose takes place. Specialized organelles, called mitochondria are responsible for the process. The organelles ensure that the breaking of the high energy phosphate bonds in the ATP monocle generate energy. Overally, the process is a hydrolysis process. This involves the movement of the hydrogen ions an the generation of 38 high energy phosphate bond breakages.
Answer: Please refer to:
El metabolismo es el conjunto de reacciones químicas que tienen lugar en las células del cuerpo para convertir los alimentos en energía. Nuestro cuerpo necesita esta energía para todo lo que hacemos, desde movernos hasta pensar o crecer.
Not sure but hope it helps.
The answer for the question is the Apical meristem.
Growth in plants occurs as the stems and roots lengthen. Some plants, especially those that are woody, also increase in thickness during their life span. The increase in length of the shoot and the root is referred to as primary growth. It is the result of cell division in the shoot apical meristem.