Logistic growth
The curve has a period of exponential growth, but then levels off at a stable size. growth whose rate becomes ever more rapid in proportion to the growing total number or size.
better way to analyze data, improve workfkow, improve production process
limiting factors
The ecological optimum represents the value of the factors within the ecological valence at which the life processes of a species take place best. The upper and lower limits of an ecological valence are its maximum and minimum. Beyond these limits, physiological processes are interrupted and death occurs.
Some isotopes, however, decay slowly, and several of these are used as geologic clocks. Dating rocks by these radioactive timekeepers is simple in theory, but the laboratory procedures are complex. <span>All methods rely on the fact that certain elements (particularly uranium and potassium) contain a number of different isotopes whose half-life is exactly known and therefore the relative concentrations of these isotopes within a rock or mineral can measure the age.</span>