Just one, Donald Trump......
Pike and the Confederacy had originally promised to keep cherokee soldiers with in indian territory
The migration of Americans during the 1970s strengthened the political power of the sunbelt because many workers migrated to the region.
From 1970, the American industry, in search of reduction of costs, essentially of lower salaries, migrated towards the south of the country, to the states of Texas and California, that with lower salaries and great universities with technical training specialized, created the so-called crowding economy. High-tech companies such as Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, among others, began or moved their activities to the sunny south of the United States (Sunbelt), although the largest industrial concentration in the United States still remains in the " rust belt ". The great development of technology companies in Silicon Valley has consolidated this trend. The sun belt benefited from the Northeast crisis, as many industries sought lower taxes. The southern region already had food and beverage industries. This strengthened the political power of the sun belt.
Jean Louise “Scout” Finch lives with her father, Atticus, her brother, Jem, and their black cook, Calpurnia, in Maycomb. She is intelligent and, by the standards of her time and place, a tomboy. Scout has a combative streak and a basic faith in the goodness of the people in her community.
Tariffs protected Northerners factories from foreign competition because they made imported goods more expensive than American-made. Southerns depended on trading cotton in exchange for foreign goods. Rising tariffs hurt the South's economy.