Let's call the cars car A and car B. If car A gets to the 4 way stop first, that car has right of way. If car B gets to 4 way stop first, that car has the right of way. If car A and car B get to the 4 way stop the same time, the car on the right has the right of way.
Muslims invaded North Africa and occupied those territories and imposed jizya on the people. After a while the Non-Muslims were sick of being oppressed by the invaders and decided to become Muslims so that the burden of an extra tax would be removed.
I would be using interposition, relative size, shadow and illumination, and linear view. Through placing homes, woods, and a river before the mountains, I would use interposition for big. The mountains will be seen as far behind by doing this. Use relative size, make nearby items larger, including field weeds, and smaller artifacts as far as the mountains. This will create a sense of scope with the painting pictures. When designing the houses, I will use light and shadow as dimension. The picture would appear more three-dimensional by shadowing the sides of the houses.
I can often use longitudinal vision to shape sides of the buildings when drawing the buildings. I can form three-dimensional buildings, all relative one to another, by putting a dot on the paper and connecting all the corners of the front of the buildings to that dot.
<u>b. no, this does not need to be reported since it is unrelated to participation in the study.</u>
The research in conducting a focus group to learn about hygiene and disease prevention but the subject having a heart attack does't count as part of the research.