Generally, the sun observes a solar cycle of eleven years. In this cycle, there are fluctuations in the activity, such as the ejected levels of solar radiation, and in the appearance of the sun, such as changes in the amount and size of sun spots, solar flares and other phenomena that occur on the sun's surface.
These changes also affect phenomena on earth, especially the auroras.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
Proteins are the Body's Worker Molecules
Explains structure-function relationship, amino acids, protein folding, genetic code, sickle cell and CF, and computer modeling.
The stomach is an example of an organ. The mitochondria N is an example of an organelle. The mushroom and the bacterium are examples of organisms.
Cactus spines
The cactus spines keep predators away and prevent different organisms from eating it. This helps it to survive in the desert. Another adaptation is very thick, waxy cuticle help to reduce water loss by evaporation.