An easy way for me to do this is to either make all of the fractions into decimals or all the decimals into fractions, whatever you prefer. I prefer fractions, but for typing reasons I’m going to make them all decimals. Making 5/48 into a decimal you divide 5 by 48 and get 0.104... and divide 3 by 16 and get 0.1875. Then from there, look at whatever tenths place number is the least (the number after the decimal). Two of them have one, so moving onto the next number, 8>0, which means 0.104 is less then 0.1875. Then 5<7. So from least to greatest, 5/48 (0.104), 3/16 (0.1875), 0.5, 0.75.
Good Luck!
(2/7)% =
<span>(2 / 7) / 100 = </span>
<span>2 / 700 </span>
<span>2 : 698 </span>
<span>1 : 349</span>
Remember that x/4 and 1/4*x is the same thing.
1/4*52 is therefore the same as 52/4. Fractions represent division, so 52 divided by 4 is also correct.
0.25*x is the same as 1/4*x because 1/4=0.25
4% of 52 is incorrect because the decimal form of 4% is 0.04, which is not the same as 0.25
Final answer: B
The answer is C.
Step-by-step explanation:
Multiply 4 by 76, 77, and 78.
4 * 76 = 304
4 * 77 = 308
4 * 78 = 312
304 = 304, so C is the correct answer.
Hope this helps!