Yes, moderate republicans wanted the reconstruction plan while radical republicans thought reconstruction was too lenient toward the south and wasn’t harsh enough due to the fact they caused the war. The radical republicans plan was to disband the aristocracy with farming, redistribute land and guarantee the civil rights to former slaves.
No, Olympes de Gouges did not just add the word 'women' to the original declaration. She substantially changed the meaning of female citizenship in her declaration such that she moved for all women to recognize and claim their 'lost' rights in the current misogynistic era and that women have equal and natural rights as enjoyed by men. Although the Enlightenment speak of inalienable rights, the gender inequality of that time made Olympes question how ironic it was that the assumption of these natural rights aren't exercised by everybody - regardless of sexual roles and differences.
I do not think that it had to do with him being a product of incest. It was most likely because of his early home life.
Adolf Hitler was born to Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl. The relationship between his parents is thought to be that of first cousins once removed. His aggressive behavior can be linked to his childhood days when he always got into trouble with his father who was short-fused. This likely affected his mental health for he began to withdraw from social activities while in school.
He would rather delight in relishing scenes from the Boer War. Losing his parents at an early age and having to hustle for the early parts of his life in hostels must have also contributed to his becoming hardened and the aggressiveness that followed.
E) Women in many countries gained the right to vote in the years after the war.
Women played a great role on all fronts in World War One, serving with abnegation, heroism and patriotism. After the war, this gave a new momentum to the longtime feminist fight for equal political rights; it increased the political and social pressure for granting women the right to vote. In the US , this was finally granted by the 19th Amendment in 1920.
GUN MANUFACTURER hope that helps