(i) They are readily understood even by those unaccustomed to reading charts or those who are not chart-minded.
(ii) They posses the outstanding advantage that they are the simplest and the easiest to make.
(iii) When a large number of items are to be compared they are the only form that can be used effectively.
In this case the perfect tender rule
b. does not apply.
The perfect tender rule has certain exceptions where it cannot be applied to the tender parties and the probates of the tender.
If there is a government ruling against the use of certain products that are necessary for the tender to be completed and the outlaw happens after the tender is signed but before it is completed as a consignment then it cannot be done.
This would come under the ambit of an emergency where the governed ruling makes such deals null and void.
i ant good but my teacher is cool and told my the answer
c. The medical center will prevail based upon the written contract
Since they later signed a written contract where it is stated in paper and has their signature that the medical center could not assure nor take any responsibilities for the birth of a kid without any medical, mental or physical defects the medical center has the upperhand on the court, as well as they did in Scalisi et al. v. New York University Medical Center that promised a perfect designed baby, the Scalsi decided for invitro fertilization because of the wife´s family medical history and tendency to autism, and they ended up with a baby with autism, so they sue the New York University Medical center, but the court sided with the NYUMC because of the written contract where it stated that they couldn´t assure the baby to be born without any medica, mental or physical defects.