C. Olive trees are able to survive fire and drought
Just that ursyddktdditdktxtxxityciicy
It was nero himself who sought to rebuild it. hope this helps
Arabian tribes resent the Ummah for several reasons as given below.
Arabians tribes culture was part of the clans placed authority on kin-related groups (based on blood and kinship). Their society based on patriarchal, where inheritance acquired through the male. Tribes gave a means of strength and protection for its members. They were known for their violence and raids; death to one member meant unmerciful vengeance.
Arabian tribes resent because submissive to the Ummah will lead to the declining of the clan society where they will force to submit to the Islam rules which were different from their cultures as they were nomads lived in deserts.
The Catholic Church wanted people to believe they had to pay there way or do works luther said we are saved by grace thru fath in Jesus Christ alone