The purpose of this is to discourage opinion that may be detrimental to the government and is able to cause debate. In Ancient China, Legalist used censorship to control ideas, actions, and people's behavior.
Mineral resources in Nigeria are:-
Bitumen,Coal,Oil and gas,Gold,Iron ore,Lead and zinc
according to year 2020
that the population of feral cats doubles in size each year
This is because a curve like that one will always keep growing at a constant rate and it will never stop and therefore, the number of the population of feral cats will always keep growing and doubling in size, making them more and more with each year that passes.
Context perception law
Gestalt psychology viewing the phenomenon of perception. it follows the rule the whole part rather than the sub-part. So when we see the light on Diwali, that light appears in movement position, our mind fills that gap and which is called apparent movement.
- The law closure
- The law proximity
- The law nearness
- The law of apparent movement
- The law similarity
- The law of continuity
- The law of the common region
<u>The law context</u>: this law depends on the person's experience. the individual uses schema with new information . For example a when we see a car from a high it seems very small but our context is that we know the exact size of the car o we analyze the exact size of the car.