B. They sweat or pant to lose heat by water evaporation.
If a dominant allele pairs up with a recessive allele, the dominant allele is what is physically shown, it over powers the recessive allele.
A wind instrument is a musical instrument that contains some type of resonator (usually a tube), in which a column of air is set into vibration by the player blowing into (or over) a mouthpiece set at or near the end of the resonator. The pitch of the vibration is determined by the length of the tube and by manual modifications of the effective length of the vibrating column of air. In the case of some wind instruments, sound is produced by blowing through a reed; others require buzzing into a metal mouthpiece.
Answer: The answer is C
Antibodies or otherwise called Immunoglobulin are special protein that are produced by certain lymphocytes which produces antibodies which can affect the invading bacteria or other foreign bodies called the antigens or other toxins in a number of ways . Certain antibodies known as agglutinins make bacteria harmless by causing them to clump together. The lysins dissolve the outer coats of bacteria, the antitoxin neutralize the toxin of bacteria while precipitins precipitate the toxin as insoluble and therefore , convert them to a harmless compound. Antibodies are always produced by the immune system.