No, developed countries aren't facing the challenge of hight birth rates, instead, they are facing problems like: corruption, bad policies, and lack of infrastructure along with conflict from other countries or within their own.
inherent rights, government by the people, and separation of powers.
I believe this is so because,
the citizen should have the basic rights in order to feel apart of a country. They should have the right to freedom of speech, press, and freedom to protest. All powers should be separate to create a strong community so it doesn't become a dictatorship.
Ill let you answer the government by the people part. :)
Basically the cops beat him to death , while they beat him they laughed and joked around about it. The cops that did it were not put in jail, they were allowed to walk free without consequences. Riots and protest broke out after.
I really hate our justice system ♀️
Because its the outer-rim of the earth, if it was inside, it'll be safer