i got youu
This picture is modeling how animals get nutrients and how it looks. If you look in the photo, you can see many animals and arrows pointing at one another, This shows animals fighting each other. An example would be the girafee, If you look closley the photo is showing the girafee getting nutrients from the tree. This shows the girafee getting the organisms it needs in order to survive.
The answers are a) Cancer cells treated with the chemical have a lower survival rate than cells that are not treated and d) This chemical will be useful for treating all types of cancer.
Since the research finds that cancer cells have a lower survival rate when exposed to a particular species of fungus. In addition to this new chemical compound could be implemented as a cancer drug.
Decomposers break down dead animals and plants. They usually benefit producers by releasing nutrients back in the soil.
Homeostasis is one way our bodies maintain its parameters within the normal range of values. We can say that it is key to life. When homeostasis fail, it can lead to diseases like hypertension and diabetes. In homeostasis, there will be stabilization of blood pressure as well as maintenance of its steady resting state. Take this scenario as an example, if a person exercises, there will be an increase of the heart rate, which will also result to higher blood pressure. The process of homeostasis will then accommodate the body through different mechanisms to make the decrease of the heart rate possible and at the same time reduce the high blood pressure. It is through homeostatis by which the normal body functions are maintaned in order to sustain life.