Civilized. (It’s an opinion question, you can’t get it wrong if you have strong evidence.)
Ghengis Khan organized his troops into an efficient fighting force. This allowed them to conquer more territories for the good of their people. They opened the Silk Road for many people to come and trade. They valued everything. Without the Mongols, we probably would be here today, because the Mongols lead to the discovery of America.
Babylon's power increased, as Assyria declined as an empire. The Babylonians wanted to take control of the Fertile Crescent
it was England's first legislature, the Parliament consisted of representatives of the clergy, of the aristocracy, and even of the commoners from the counties (shires) and towns. The intention was to use the parliament in order to impose taxes upon the citizens to fund the military for future wars.
Turning a draft budget into spending bill. [apex]
South carolina and north carolina