the cold war was from 1947 - 1991
The battle of Tours helped Christianity remain the major religion in Europe.<span />
Answer: B is false the economy was left in ruins
Exercised by keeping things off the agenda than keeping them on.
Agenda setting is a term that is generally used to described the deliberate establishment of publicity and interest in important issues by the media houses.
In other words, it explains how the people of influence (in this case, Congress leaders) ensures certain agendas are more often on the table than others, to influence the nation's policies.
Hence, agenda setting a power held by house and senate leaders is often a negative power. Because these congress leaders can "Exercised by keeping things off the agenda than keeping them on."
El país moderno comenzó entre los siglos XV y XVI. Este período fue cuando los reyes usaron la crisis del feudalismo para recuperar su poder. El país moderno es una forma de monopolización del poder coercitivo en su territorio. Es una institución política que tiene el poder de hacer leyes.
The modern country started between the XV and XVI centuries. This period was when the kings used the feudalism crisis to get back their power. The modern country is a way of monopolization the coercive power on its territory. It is a political institution that has the power of making laws.