the feds believed in state power rather that a strong central govt.
1) began
2) I will add up all the salaries and divide by the total number of items, I will give you the mean, but be careful when interpreting the mean because it might be misleading.
3) was
4) me
5) precedence
6) formally
7) Argument
8) Recommendation
9) Receipt
According to the story, the principal wanted to make a special rule preventing Marta fromgetting the scholarship jacket. This is considered discrimination. In the context of this story,where does prejudice and discrimination come from? Cite evidence from this text, your ownexperience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.3.Would it have been fair if the school had given the jacket to Joann? Why or why not?4.In your opinion, what makes a situation fair? Cite evidence from this text, your ownexperience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.5.The narrator says, “Grandpa knew that I understood it was not a matter of money”(Paragraph 18). Is this true? What if the principal hadn’t decided to give Marta the jacketanyway?6.In the context of this story, what can – and can’t – money buy? Do you believe money canlead to happiness? Why or why not? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, andother literature, art, or history in your answer.8
Answer: Supporters of the progressive system claim that higher salaries enable affluent people to pay higher taxes and that this is the fairest system because it lessens the tax burden of the poor