A. Take regular EBS snapshots .
- is incorrect. It lacks durability of EBS volumes.
- is incorrect. ECT Instance stores are not durable.
- is incorrect. Mirroring across EBS volumes is pargely inefficient.
-Since EBS snapshots only saves snapshots of the most recent device changes, a great deal of time and memory is saved. Also, only data unique to any particular snapshot is removed in cases of deletion.
computer software
Budget Line rotates inwards (leftwards/ downwards) on that axis, optimal quantity demanded at that higher price .
Budget line represents product combinations that a consumer can afford , using all income with given prices & income.
If price of a product increases, the consumer can consume lesser amount of the product due to higher prices . So, the budget line rotates inwards (leftwards / downwards) on the corresponding x / y axis denoting that good.
So, inwards rotation of the budget line on the corresponding axis representing the price risen good - leads to reduction in the quantity of the good whose price has risen.
To create a balanced budget, one must balance needs against wants.
In order to Create a balanced budget you should:
<span>1. Keep track of your </span>financial gain<span> and expenses.</span>
<span>2. Stay on </span>top<span> of your monthly bills.</span>
<span>3. Be </span>ready<span> for </span>surprising<span> expenses.</span>
4. Not overspend.
<span>5. Figure out </span>what quantity you wish to save lots of to satisfy your monetary goals.
D. Know ahead of time what the teacher expects of you.