He should use a limit order.
Limit order is given to a broker to buy a stock at a specified price or a price that is better that the specified price. Here Debin order will be executed at a price $40 or below when he places a limit order .
Therefore, He should use a limit order.
Computer, its a larger amount of money to pay so it would be best there
It decreases the interaction of humans. It also blurs work and personal life. It also create difficulties in demonstrating workload. It enables technology to get in the way.
Generally, the applications of telecommunication and devices are accompanied by both positive and negative effects. It makes communication easy and transfer of information efficient. There are also negative effects of the use of telecommunication as outlined in the answer section above.
Option (E) is correct.
Allocative efficiency is created when the gap between marginal benefit and marginal cost is maximum. The marginal benefit is the benefit that a consumer can get by consuming an additional unit of a commodity and the marginal cost is the cost that a producer incurred by producing an additional unit.
Hence, the allocative efficiency is achieved where the difference between these two terms is maximized.
No, because they violated the duty of care
Business judgement rule is a provision that protects the management of a business from frivolous legal action concerning the way it does business.
The court assumes that the management acts in good faith in its fiduciary role, standard of loyalty, prudence, and care.
Duty of care is breached when the management do not make reasonable effort to prevent injury or loss.
In this instance Signal board is not protected by the business judgement rule because they violated duty of care.
Although the offer by Burmah oil is above the valuation a month ago, the board did not bother to do a present valuation or find out if other companies want to buy the subsidiary at a higher price.